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takanori yamane photo
山根尊典ブログ 「長笛楽手的旅行箱by Takanori Yamane」 へ(写真をclick) 多信息!
TAKANORI Fred YAMANE 山根尊典 has Performed in Australia, Brazil, China, Italy, Korea, Peru, Taiwan, US and Japan. is a graduate of the Juilliard where he studied with Julius Baker. gives the series of solo recitals every season in Tokyo, Ibaraki and Yamaguchi. also frequently performs chamber music with musicians from Metropolitan Opera orchestra in New York. He was offered works by Gary Schocker (Fraternal Twins2007 and Still Airheads 2010), Yasuhisa Tohma (Nocturn 2013), Toshiaki Komori (L'impulison Gelee 2012,Trouver de L'eau dans La Dune 2017) and Satoru Ikeda (Solitude 2012 and the Salutation 2013). his recordings can be found on DMP label, Eyebright label and EIN Records. Has given masterclasses at National University of Chiayi in Taiwan and Universidad Nacional de Musica in Lima, Peru and Arts Seminar in Guanhzou, China. Currently he is a member of Chamber Soloists TAIPEI(Taiwan), The International SUPERFLUTES(USA), NFA International Liaison and the Executive Director of Japan Flutists Association Chief of International Liaison Committee.一般社団法人日本フルート協会常任理事、国際部。ドルチェミュージックアカデミーTokyo講師03-5909-1770


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